What is the difference between equity funds, mutual funds, debt funds, and liquid funds

Equity is the value of an asset less the amount of all liabilities on that asset. As an accounting equation, one can represent it as Assets - Liabilities = Equity
A mutual fund is an investment vehicle made up of a pool of money collected from many investors for the purpose of investing in securities such as stocks, bonds, money market instruments and other assets. Mutual funds are operated by professional money managers, who allocate the fund's investments and attempt to produce capital gains and/or income for the fund's investors.
A debt fund is a fund is an asset pool, such as a mutual fund or exchange-traded fund, in which core resources are fixed-income investments. A debt fund may invest in short-term or long-term bonds, securitized products, money market device or floating rate debt. The fee ratios on debt funds are usually lower, on average than equity funds because the overall running costs are lower.
Liquid funds are the debt mutual funds that invest your money in the very short-term market tools such as treasury bills, government securities and call money that hold the least amount of risk. These funds can invest in tools up to a maturity of 91 days.
If you want to start trading then you can start by yourself or you can take help of any advisory firm like KHELOMCX, BAZAARTRADING advisory firm, 100MCXTIPS. Generally, I prefer BAZAAR TRADING, from their advice I earn the bigger profit, they provide the best technical and fundamental analysis in stock trading and commodity from experts.


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