What are some good books on investment

Author: Amine Bouchentouf
This top commodities book is a good Introductory work on trading and investing in commodities which helps appreciate the kind of risks involved in the commodities market and how to deal with them efficiently.
How Anyone Can Invest Profitably in the World’s Best Market
Author: Jim Rogers
The author, an expert on commodities himself and having successfully managed nothing less than his own commodities index fund, offers practical advice to investors who have so far not thought of commodities as a long-term investment option.
Author: John Stephenson
Short and snappy guide to investing and commodity trading as a viable alternative to preferred choices of stocks, bonds and real estate as one of the fastest growing markets.
Futures 101,
Author: Richard E. Waldron
What better way to get started with futures trading than a primer that does not get too technical but at the same time gives you just the right bits of information to keep you engaged.
Starting Out in Futures Trading,
Author: Mark Powers
It is a book that is serious stuff, written for serious traders. Mark Powers, the author of the book offers a comprehensive walkthrough of the futures markets.
If you want to start trading then you can start by yourself or you can take help of any advisory firm like KHELOMCX, BAZAARTRADING advisory firm, 100MCXTIPS. Generally, I prefer BAZAAR TRADING, from their advice I earn the bigger profit, they provide the best technical and fundamental analysis in stock trading and commodity from experts. 


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