If you were to choose 4 stocks to regularly day trade, what would they be? Why

Indicators are statistics used to calculate current conditions as well as to forecast financial or economic trends.

Chart patterns are an essential part of the technical analysis, but successful traders combine these techniques with technical indicators and other forms of technical analysis to make the most of their odds of success.

If you're interested in learning about these topics, Investopedia's Technical Analysis Course provides a fuller look into basic and superior technical analysis, chart patterns, and technical indicators, with over five hours of on-demand video, exercises, and interactive content.

If you want to start trading then you can start by yourself or you can take help of any advisory firm like KHELOMCX, BAZAARTRADING advisory firm, 100MCXTIPS. Generally, I prefer BAZAAR TRADING, from their advice I earn the bigger profit, they provide the best technical and fundamental analysis in stock trading and commodity from experts.
(Source: https://www.quora.com/Chart-patterns-vs-indicators-which-work-better)


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