What is the good side and bad side of Commodity trading
GOOD SIDE OF commodity Trading
An electronic trading platform helps in creating a transparent price discovery device on the commodity futures exchanges without any involvement by sellers or buyers.
A speedy demand for a commodity can see increases in prices significantly from time to time. It is the best way or gives lots of chance to make money quickly and safely.
Change or Diversification is when you invest in a variety of industries that give results differently to changes in the market. It will keep your annual profit stable and also avoid big losses.
BAD SIDE OF commodity Trading
Commodities are the most unstable security among other assets. According to one study commodities are almost double as stocks and four times as unstable as bonds.
Low margin fundamentals can encourage poor money management, which can, in turn, lead to pointless risk-taking.
Trading in commodities has been considered as something just for the experts. Many traders have lost money and the trade is regarded as an extremely risky venture. If you want to start trading then you can start by yourself or you can take help of any advisory firm like KHELOMCX, BAZAARTRADING advisory firm, 100MCXTIPS. Generally, I prefer BAZAAR TRADING, from their advice I earn the bigger profit, they provide the best technical and fundamental analysis in stock trading and commodity from experts.
(Source: https://www.quora.com/What-is-the-good-side-and-bad-side-of-Commodity-trading )
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